Day One!

Well today was the big launch of our Project. A little nerve-wracking and very exciting! Richard, Jessi and I were on the computers all day, posting and emailing like crazy.

Emma Henry, a well-known yoga teacher arrived today with a group of 18 people. When Harry was giving an introductory talk, I also attended and talked about the project. This was really helpful as three of the group registered for the 50-Day challenge during the day, bringing our numbers up to 100. This is super encouraging as it was the number I had been visualizing for the 50 Day Challenge.

One of our cooks painted a gorgeous banner for the office, which says “ We easily manifest more than enough money to build the Dome and More by 22nd July!”. We put this up in our office aka The BE ONE OM DOME HEADQUARTERS:

Richard and Vidya hold the painted version of the mantra in the garden at Suryalila, Spain

Our Om Dome Yoga Project Mantra!


Every morning before we start work we say this mantra out loud and jump up and down Envision Yoga style. It lifts our spirits and gives good energy.

Tonight I started reading the Indiegogo manual on the website. There is a lot of helpful info in it and I think we are going to have to really study it to get the most out of the campaign.

I kick-started the campaign myself this morning with a larger donation and throughout the day donations started coming in. So far we have raised almost $6000. That’s 4% of our Ask. Not bad for Day One!

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